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VIII Encuentro científico SAI-Elkargunea

On September 29th of 2011 the VIII Encuentro Científico SAI-Elkargunea, with the title “El castellano en el País Vasco” and coordinated by Sara Gómez Seibane and Bruno Camus, was held at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. This scientific encounter included teachers and researchers both from the Universidad de Deusto and Universidad del País Vasco.

Second phase of the project

Upon having accomplished the first phase of the project, the Andrés de Poza site claims its will to step forward. Along 2010 we count on incorporating revisions of the texts already included, and on adding new editions.

For this second phase the site will count with the support of a scientific committee with evaluation competences, . . . → Read More: Second phase of the project