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Methodology: Lexical correspondences

In the first stage of the project, Déjà Vu has been used in the extraction of lexical correspondences to create partial glossaries of the texts, as an example of possible further reutilizatios of the corpus for linguistic or literary studies.

This is a list of the glossaries created using these procedures:

  • Aforismos: a sample of bilingual correspondances, offering the equivalences with their context
  • Germania: bilingual glossary without context.
  • Romulo: multilingual partial glossary.
  1. Without context and indication of the ammount of iterations of each correspondence
  2. With context: can be accesed in one-to-one text comparisons

In the case of La Libra a sample of textual variation has been introduced.

Correspondences are shown as they appear in the texts, without lematization —which, due to the current state-of-the-art in diachronical lexicography— would have had to be manual.

In  the second stage, which is now being undertaken (TexHis project, 2010-2012), some new methodological criteria will be established with the objective of facilitating the extraction of relational indexes. These will be connected to the lexical correspondences integrated in the texts themselves.